London/Brighton UK, One week workshop, Find you Voice project
The Find your Voice project (seed project, funded by the Jacobs Foundation and the SRCD) aims to investigate the potential use of voice assistant/robot to train children on joke telling to improve their self-confidence and language literacy.
A whole week workshop ehlp us to clearly set objectives for the first part of teh project. We conducted a small literature review and discussed the mini projects to be conducted by Mai 2020.
The workshop started at UCLIC. Hosted by Prof. Yvonne Rogers, we visited the HCI facilities and the offices of the startup developping the Olly robot.
After two days in London, we travelled to Brighton, on the sourthen coast of England, were we presented the FyV project to the members of the Chat Lab at Sussex Universty (lead by Prof. Nicola Yulli). The discussions and feedbacks were very interesting.